
Showing posts from February, 2018
Monografias Prontas - As HorĂ¡cio Wanderlei Rodrigues warns, it is interesting that The use of this method also demonstrates that the solution of a problem always creates new problems, which also need solution, and so on.  Monografias Prontas  - This finding highlights the importance of developing skills and skills needed to solve problems, not accumulation of content, as does traditional education
Monografias Prontas - Long quotes: direct quotes, in the text, with more than three lines, should be with a 4 cm indentation of the left margin, with lower letter than the text (11) and without the quotation marks. The space is simple between the lines.  Monografias Prontas  - Do not forget to observe the normal indentation of the introductory paragraph. Between the beginning of the paragraph and the there must be room. After the quote leave a space to start new paragraph
Monografias Prontas - The absence of a systematic correlation of the objectives to be achieved in classroom with the goals that research and extension must also achieve is a factor that aggravates this situation because "it produces knowledge and lack of knowledge  Monografias Prontas . It is made of the scientist a specialized ignorant and makes of the common citizen a widespread ignorant.
Monografias Prontas - Citations: are mentions of information extracted from another source. Can be classified in direct and indirect citation. Both when used in body text shall be carried out in accordance with ABNT NBR 10.520 and NBR 6023. In the system can occur in two ways  Monografias Prontas : a) Direct quotation: textual transcription of part of the work of the author consulted. 1. Short quote: Direct quotes in the text of up to three lines must be enclosed in double quotation marks. The single quotation marks are used to indicate citation within the citation. The source chosen should be maintained, as well as the size and spacing of 1.5.